zondag 22 februari 2009

Obama to Treasury: Start cutting taxes

The new president of the United States, Barack Obama, has already done a lot of efforts for helping out the American economy, which has already known a lot of problems lately.
The plan to start cutting in taxes for 95 percent of the Americans is part of a $787 billion economic recovery plan that has been passed by the democratic party of the United States government.

The idea to let hard-working American families pay fewer taxes (up to $65 a month) came up a while ago and has the intention to improve the American economy. When people have to pay fewer taxes they can consume more and this causes a higher demand.
A higher demand should improve the well being of a country’s economics.

Included in the $787 billion economic recovery plan is of course the $282 billion for tax cutting, but also $120 billion for public works projects including highway and rail projects, which should be a minor solution to the fast growing numbers of unemployed people in the United States.

Barack Obama is very motivated and finds it very important for his presidency to save the economy of his country, since the economy is deteriorating even faster than in the great depression of the 1930’s.

Obama also stated that signing this plan into law is only the first step to a recovery of the American economy; he realizes that it will definitely not be easy!

I think this is an excellent idea of Barack Obama. Cutting in taxes is great news, everybody will love the idea and of course people will start consuming more. A higher demand is the base of a growing economy. Also, investing in public works is a great way to improve an economy by lowering the numbers of unemployed and again, causing a higher demand.

I think Barack Obama is a great president for the United States. He’s not only very sympathetic, he also is a very clever man and I think that everybody realizes that when looking to his ideas and plans.

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/US/

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