zondag 26 april 2009

Obama changes approach to Cuba

President Obama has decided to change the relations with Cuba significantly. He has directed his administration to allow travel and money transfers by Cuban Americans to family in Cuba.

I am sure this will be in the benefit of the Cuban people. It will increase the freedom they have because Obama has also directed his administration to lift restrictions on communications. But more importantly, these measures will allow Cuban Americans to see their families again and send them money of course. Some say that this is the best way to gain the sympathy of the Cuban people. After all, Obama said in a campaign speech that there are no better ambassadors for freedom than Cuban Americans. And I think we must all agree with him. Nevertheless, the Republicans do have criticism. They say that the Cuban dictatorship is one of the most brutal in the world and that the U.S. economic embargo must remain in place until tyranny gives way to freedom and democracy. The Republicans are afraid that the Communist Party in Havana will benefit from this new evolution.

I am of the opinion that the past shows us that the Republicans are wrong.
First of all, Obama is not planning to stop the embargo completely, for example sending money to senior government officials and Cummunist Party members remains prohibited.

Secondly, while the embargo was in place, the Cuban economy proved that it did not need the U.S. economy at all. Maybe it is not bad to try something completely different.
It will help Cubans to become more independent of the state and I think this is the right way to ‘free’ the Cuban people.

Written by De Clercq Stijn

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/04/13/obama-eases-restrictions-cuban-americans-traveling-cuba/

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