donderdag 30 april 2009

Optimism about economy grows - poll

More and more people are starting to believe in an improving national economy. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey cleared it all out for us. The survey also showed some figures concerning the new president Barack Obama, who has had his first 100 days in the office. The results are satisfying.

48% of the people questioned in May believed that the current economic conditions are really bad. In February this figure was even higher – about 66% had negative ideas about the nation’s economy. In April this percentage has come down to 37%, which is a positive thing. Civilians who are having positive visions about the improvement of the homeland economy is an important step to actually reach the wanted improvements, since a bad economy is the most important thing on a public’s mind.

Another important figure is showing that 63% of the people who participated the questioning think that Obama is doing a good job. He pays enough attention to the most important problems that the United States is facing these days and he also has the right priorities. Compared to the statistics that were relevant a couple of years ago this is a good thing. Only 46% thought the same thing about president Bush in 2001 and only 37% about Bill Clinton in 1993.

The survey also showed that about 68% of the people questioned believe that Obama is doing a good job in keeping his promises that he made during the campaigns for the White House. 30% say that he’s doing a bad job. This is while only 30% believed that Clinton did a good job here. The conclusion is pretty simple: in almost every area Obama is doing better than Bush and Clinton.

It’s a good thing that people start to think more positive about the future economy of the United States. This will make them consume again and as read in previous blogs I find the demand side of the economy the most important thing. It will cause an even bigger improvement real soon.

I’m also not really surprised about the statistics that concern Obama. I already knew that he is a great president for the United States. I just couldn’t find myself with the ideas president Bush had. He was way too radical. Obama is just more neutral and has much more empathy. I also find it important that there finally is a black president in the United States. I would definitely be part of the 63% of the people who think that Obama is doing a good job.


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