vrijdag 1 mei 2009

US homeowners turn to roommates during recession

Rob Martin is one of the homeowners in the United States who gave up a part of his privacy in an effort to make an end on the economic troubles. In his student life, Rob Martin has already lived with a stranger. But according to him, it was quite strange having new roommates. Before renting one of his bedrooms, he screens the candidates to be sure to have a suitable renter.

With the renting of his rooms, he can earn $700 a month extra. This monthly extra money makes it more easier for him to pay his bills.
But of course, you have to invest to make your house attractive to hire. Also Mr Martin did efforts, such as the installation of a cable television and the cranking of the thermostat to make it more cozy.

This project is perfect for divorced people or people who are in the inability to sell homes that are too big or too expensive to maintain. This second reason is the story of Chris LaRocco. He owns an exquisite villa. But as a result of his unemployment, it’s difficult for him to take care of his house. Also the housing crisis makes it not easy to sell his house.

Renting a bedroom in your house has also negative points. It’s not that easy for the house owner. First of all, you had to face with their personal stuff. Secondly, family and friends of your renter will certainly visit him in your house. Finally, it's possible to be faced with the emotional problems of the renter. So finding a suitable candidate requires a lot of efforts.

In my opinion, I think it’s really difficult to have a roommate. You have to give up a lot of privacy. But I think in the situation of this persons, they have no other choice.
First of all, their house is less worth as a result of the US housing crisis. So when they sell their house in times of a bad economic situation, they won’t receive the money their house is worth. So in this case, it’s better to take a roommate.
Further, in the economic crisis, people have no money to buy a house. They have other priorities. So it would be very difficult to find a financially strong person who’s interested in your house.

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2009/apr/27/homeowners-roommates-recession

1 opmerking:

  1. When you really need the money this is a creative solution but it's also hard to give up your privacy and live with someone who's a complete stranger. I think this can only be a temporary situation until the homeowners find a solution for their problems.
